The Official Website of Intermational Conference on Solution Chemistry
The Official Website of Intermational Conference on Solution Chemistry
The 32nd International Conference on Solution Chemistry (ICSC) was held in Lagrande Motte, France from the 28th Augest to the 2nd of September, 2011. Prof. Pierre Turq, Chairman of the local organizing committee.
32nd ICSC-2011 received over 170 participants, fom all continents (expect Antartica!), to help celebrate the Intemational Year of Chemistry (IYC20 11) on the Mediterranean Coast, at the border of the beautifuI Camargue, which is one of the Iast remaining naturaI sites in France.
The conference covered all aspects of current soIution chemistry: theoretical, experimental, simulations, and practical applications. This research is more necessary than ever, as it holds the keys to solving some of the most pressing economic, energetic, and environmental challenges we face today (even though funding seems to be increasingly difficult to obtain). In particular, in the field of solutions, the dramatic rise in the water needed for human and agricultraI use, along with the ever-growing list of pollutants contributing to its contamination, has made the treatment and storage of wastes a fundamental issue in any industrial process. To meet these global challenges, we require a better understanding of the physicochemical behavior of solutions, as evidenced by the recent advances in "green" chemistry.
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